
Looking back to look forward

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At the writing of this post it's New Year's Eve, I'm sitting at my laptop uploading a YouTube video and writing my 30 before 30 list (Early right? I'm only 19 but you know what they say the early bird catches the worm and that's going to be my mentality this year. NO LIE). So anyway as I'm sitting here writing my list I sort of felt compelled to write a post all about my 2017, especially as one of the very first things I wrote on my 30 before 30 list was to be established on both my blog and YouTube channel.

So here we go. 

2017 for me was essentially university prep, because through most of it I was doing all I could to ensure my place in university. All the way from the very beginning till about the ending of May when I was probably taking my last exams and essentially starting my summer holidays. As you can tell 2017 was definitely a prominent year in my life, because it marked an almost change in era (Educationally obviously) because I was no longer simply going to school learning what I was told to but now studying what I wanted. Which made such a huge difference because now my success was solely on my shoulders; yes I could obviously read the text books to gain further knowledge but for the most part the motivation needed to come from me. 

So for that reason 2017 was definitely a year of adjustments, but all in all a good year. 

But see that's the thing (uh oh here she goes...) all my years are good because I kind of just drift through them. I never really do anything so risky that it could determine my year, so for example I go to school I study I leave that's all it is; but I've never really done anything that could mean my year was either terrible or great, now I'm not wishing for a bad year but simply one where I feel I've really shifted the plates, like I've genuinely caused a earthquake in my world (in a good way lol). I want for my year to be meaningful and worthwhile and something I look back on and say "Wow, that year was really something." 

So for the new year I'm going to make sure I'm present and able to really affect change in my world, that being said here is my cue to leave my mums screaming my name from the kitchen, so I better leave before she comes over and chokes me lol. 

Have a good one!

The Walking Babe x



Dress - Asos
Shoes - Asos
Glasses - Asos - Similar 

Photographer :- Emajaynephotography
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